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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gallipoli - Royal Horse Artillery

Guest beale

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My grandfather was in the Royal Horse Artillery, regretfully his medal record gives me no further information.

He states that he went to Gallipoli, but soon had his jaw broken by a nervous mule.

I haven't been able to find much more than the fact that B Battery and L Battery were at Gallipoli, and that Corporal Allpress won a DCM with the B battery.

Is there any more information out as to what role the Royal Horse Artillery played at Gallipoli, B battery I am aware supported the 29th Division.

Any information on the RHA at Gallipoli, or my grandfather Henry Samuel Beale, who was commissioned into the RFA (SR) on 23rd October 1916 would be greatly appreciated.


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The RHA batteries of the 29th Division were assigned because a sufficient number of RFA batteries were not available at the time tha the division was formed. Because of this, they quickly became ordinary field batteries in all but name. That is, they were armed with 18-pounders (not 13-pounders) and mounted in the manner of the RFA.

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I just finished transcribing the 29th Division Artillery War Diaries from April 25th to May 31st. Email me with your email address and I'll send a copy to you if you like. 26 April entry = "Second section of 4.5 How battery landed and ‘B’ Battery RHA. Artillery ordered to dig in to cover readjustment of line held and repel attacks. "

Mike Morrison

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  • 6 months later...


Apologies fopr the late request but I have just picked up this thread. I am currently researching a member of B Battery RHA (50470 Shoeing Smith Edward Sugar) who landed with B Battery in April and was wounded in Jan 1916 during the evacuation. Any details you are able to give on the actions of B Battery (and, long shot, any mentions of Edward Sugar) would be most gratefully received. Many thanks in anticipation.



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PAB, PM me your email address and I'll send some WD transcripts. There are probably more particular WD's at the NA. (I can't check, however - it's a long bus ride from California! ;) )


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