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I am trying to find out more obout my great grandad and the unit in which he served during the war

his name was joseph moore


was a private in northumberland fusiliers

1at/6th bn.

died 1/4/1918

is buried in sever cemetery in rouen

interested in finding out the history of the campaign he would have been involved with and essentially to get an insight into his life. unfortunately grandfather died young so my dad knows nothing not even how old he was. any help would be much appreciated

thank you


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The parent site states that the 1/6th was part of the 149th Brigade, 50th (Northumbrian Division) , and that the Division was involved in Kaiserschlacht (21/3 - 5/4 1918), which would seem to fit with your chaps Date of Death.

Unfortunately i cant find any reference to the 1/6th being present - the only NF battalion easily found being the 12/13th.

Graham Stewart would be your man to tell you any more....


p.s. his medal index card indicates service with the 5 and 6 battalions as well.

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I really can't add any more, although he seems to have originally enlisted into the 1/5th Bn,N.F. which were located at Walker and he was a resident of Walker, having enlisted there prior to his death. He may not have proceded to France until later on and may have remained at home with either the 2/5th or 3/5th Bn's before transfer, as I can't find any other references to him i.e. among lists of wounded for 1915 etc.

There also seems to be a clerical error with his new number on transfer to the 1/6th Bn, as the MIC records it as 6/8088, but this number actually belongs to someone else who is recorded in the Battalion War Diary. My suspicion is that his number was infact 6/8089, which would fall into the alphabetical/numerical sequence then being used by the 6th Bn at the time.



Had another look at this and it may actually be an error with the other lads number and not Joseph's. Sorry to conclude so quickly.

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