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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

RGA Gunner Philip Bennett

Guest John Bennett

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Guest John Bennett



This is my first post so apologies if this not in order!

I am trying to find out about my Grandfather's WW1 service. The only

information I have is from his marriage certificate 13/10/1918 - "Philip

William Bennett, Gunner R.G.A. No B14705 Corps Troops". Sadly he died in

1922 and there is no-one alive who knows. I also have a faded photograph

of him on which he wrote "somewhere in France on rest Jan 1917"

Is this information enough to find out any more and how might I go about it?

Thanks in advance


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Looking at his numbers on his Medal Index Card, it seems he was in the Territorial Army. From a list compiled on this forum by member KONDOA the following numbers would indicate service at some point of 1917/18 with the following:

314705 Royal Garrison Artillery - Warwickshire HVY By. RGA. S,Midland Division

836887 Royal Field Artillery - Either 242nd Brigade or 307 Brigade, both South Midland.



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Guest John Bennett

Thanks for both replies. I have now found and paid for the Medal index card. It shows service in R.F.A., H.A.C. and R.G.A. (TF). What would H.A.C and (TF) be? As he was born and brought up in Tottenham, London would it be likely that he served in a midlands regiment? Also there is in the remarks section

"Retd (1743 K.R.1912) 8100 Adr" What would this mean?

Thanks John

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Hi John

Not sure on the remarks section notes, but T.F is i believe short for Territorial Force. H.A.C would i presume be short for Honourable Artillery Company. Given that your relative was from london, and i believe that the H.A.C were a London based unit i would imagine that he was initially with the H.A.C and then transferred to the other units sometime in 1917/18. Certainly by this time of the war the transferring of men from there local units was not unusual.


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