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BQMS Arthur Cass, 335 attach 350 Siege Batty, RGA


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I am seeking information regarding the career of 24412 BQMS Arthur Cass. He served initially as a Bdr with the 1st and 2nd Sge Bty in the early part of the War (Sept 1914). Later, in early 1918 he was awarded the Belgian C de G (London Gazette 15.4.1918) and the Meritorious Service Medal ( London Gazette 17.6.1918) as A/BSM serving with the 335th Sge Bty attached to the 350th Sge Bty. If anyone has the War Diaries for these units/ or is familiar with their role in 1918, I would be most grateful for any help relating to the awards to A/BSM Arthur Cass. He also received the LSGC circa 1926 re-numbered 1402782. Subsequent to his Regular Army Service he joined the Territorial Army, served in the Second World War and was awarded the Efficiency Medal (Territorial) sometime before 1948. Any help with information about this man and his Army service would be much appreciated. Please. Thanks in advance.



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Both 335 SB and 350 SB (both with 6 in Hows) were part of the 59 HAG (Brigade) from Oct 1917 until duration which could explain his attachment.

Regards Paul.

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Hello Paul,

Thanks very much for the information regarding both 335 SB and 350 SB (both with 6 in Hows) being part of the 59 HAG (Brigade) from Oct 1917 until duration, thus explaining his attachment. All I need now is to find someone with access to the Battery or 59 Brigade War Diaries, if they exist. Thanks again for your help.



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  • 6 years later...

Hello Ron,

I may be 6 years late here but - - -

Did you ever get the war diary that you were after?

I am interested in what was going on in October 1917 and if you could possibly give me a copy of that month it would be invaluable.

I am researching a man on my local memorial who was KIA 27.10.17

Regards BillyH (ps - your PM box is full!)

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The War Diary for 335th Siege Battery, RGA has not been traced and the War Diary for 350th Siege Battery, RGA is only available for the period May 1917 to August 1917. I have gone through the existing part of the war diary of 350th Siege Battery and there is no mention of BQMS Cass. There is, though, an order signed by Major W. B. Rowe, Brigade Major, XI Corps Heavy Artillery dated 4 August 1917 that states: "The Officer Commanding and half the personnel of 350th Siege Battery will be exchanged with the men at present manning the guns of 335th Siege Battery. The change is to take place to-morrow 5th inst. Details will be arranged between Groups and Officer Commanding Batteries."

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Hello Billy H

Sorry, I never managed to get the war diary. The post by R Flory explains why.



PS Thanks for informing me about my PM box

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Hello Dick

Thanks for the information regarding the War Diaries for 335 and 350 Siege Batteries, RGA.



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Thanks to you both for the info regarding the war diaries - much appreciated!


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