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Hi Guys

Yes it dumbo again i do not know why or how but i can never find a person in the gazette search . Any chance some one could find if at all possible if a Eng Lt J W Robertson R.N.R. was awarded the OBE i have his WW1 Medals War Medal , 14/15 Star, Victory medal, Mercantile Medal. Any chance some one could look up the Gazette and find out when or IF he was awarded the OBE , I have his minitures and they have the OBE on them.

Many thanks in advance Dan

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Well i am starting to think you guys are having a problem finding him to. I am starting to think the minitures are not his . Well thanks for trying i have been searching for 4 hours and nothing i am probally l@@king in the wrong direction oh the OBE miniture medal ribbon is pink with white stripes down the side would this date the medal as i am sure i read some place that the ribbon changed at some point.


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If you cannot find him in the Gazettes;1917~20{Robertson being a very common surname it might take a while using a purely Surname search as you do not know how the entry is worded[initials,all forenames,etc??]}it might be prudent to trace his RN service through the Navy List which may well have a note of the OBE

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You really need his full name for this.

The design & ribbon changed in 1937 - by the sounds of it you have a post 1937 award with the ribbon being with two white striped down the side and not in the middle - if it was in the military division it would have acentral stripe as well.

The design change was the removal of the figure of Britannia from the middle and replace with the conjoined busts of King George VI & Queen Elizabeth.

Hoep thats helps.


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The design change was the removal of the figure of Britannia from the middle and replace with the conjoined busts of King George VI & Queen Elizabeth.

King George V & Queen Mary in tribute to the founder of the Order...;)

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Do you have his christian names the only one i could find was a royal engineer

John W Robertson


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