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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Hi I attended my old boys association dinner and was amazed that no one had looked into old boys killed in WW1.

I want to research this but how do I start?

There are very limited records for that period as the school closed in 1975.

Anyone got any advice?

What records would show school attended?


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You could also make inquiries at your local archive to see if they hold anything on schools. The West Yorkshire Archive Service [Leeds] hold a number of documents for schools that have since closed--mostly miscellaneous or official, but still very useful for additional info.

Good Luck,


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I am researching the Old Boys from Thetford Grammar School and the key documents from the school have been the entrance registers and entrance index cards. The latter may be peculiar to this school but all schools should have an entrance register. If you can find the archived material from your school in a record office either of these are the documents you need.

If there is a school Roll of Honour either in a book or on a memorial board (for the latter check the National Inventory of War Memorials or the War Memorials Trust for those which have been saved and recorded but are no longer in situ) don't assume that it will be the last word as I have added several names to ours recently for both wars.

Good luck.

With best wishes,


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I was at Brewood Grammar School in Staffs,


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