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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Croix de Guerre Belgian


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can anybody tell me how to you find out if a soldier was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre?



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You could try the London Gazette, or you could look at the Exchange of Medals WO388 Honours & Awards Branch: Exchange of Army Decorations between britain & the allies Registers. At the NA

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Start by searching the London Gazette (link).

It's a long shot, but perhaps if some information such as the name, nationality, unit served with, etc. was provided someone might provide some additional information.


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Thak you both very much for your replys.



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This very topic has been discussed on the British Medal Forum.

It appears that the London Gazette is pretty much your only option but very few Croix de Gurre's were cited in the LG.

If it does not appear here there isn tmuch else you can do to confirm entitlement or find out why a soldier was awarded it.

That said I expect there is some dusty file somewhere in Belgium and/or France that has the info. I wouldn't hold your breath though regarding access to these...

Mark :)

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Thank you Mark,

I looked at the Topic in the British Medal Forum.

I never have much luck on the LG, so it must be the dusty route for me.

Dear Solly,

The surname was Courtie, Thomas James Edward RGA Reg. No. 128655

Thanks for the offer.



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The exchange of honours, decorations and medals between the victorious allies during and after the war was extensive. The series consists of 29 books into which have been pasted the running records of British awards to personnel of allied armies and allied awards to personnel of the British and dominion armies.

All awards were published in the LG and it is from these that the pasted entries are cut. The announcements are from 'advance copies' of the Gazette and contain some info on units which was removed for security reasons before publication. Manuscript annotations record disposal of insignia. The series is arranged chronologically by receiving or awarding country, as appropriate.

You can go to the NA and look at them or you can take Marks, advice and go looking for some dusty files in France or Belguim.

Good hunting :ph34r:

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