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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

West Yorks


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Hi all,

On a recent trip to Northumberland I stumbled across a shop in Hexham which specialised in WW1 Memorabilia - I went in to ask a few questions and got talking about my Great Grandfather - the gentlemen in the shop suggested that as my Great Grandfather was part of the 3rd Battalion orginally being a reservist, it was likely that he may of served in previous wars (he was 29 when killed in 1915) He went out in the Dec 1914 to France and joined the 1st Battlalion of which he was part of when he died.

Do you think it could be a possibility that he served prior to the first world war - would the Museum of the West Yorkshire Reg (Prince of Wales Own) be the best place to start to gain that information.


is their any information I can get hold of to let me know about the Irish uprising in 1916 - which battalions served, those who died as I am still trying to find out what happened to my great Uncle - as I have a tip that he was involved with that.

I also managed to get into the 'family' church in Hebburn (North East) - and on the wall was a plaque with my Great Grandfathers and Great Uncles name on it. It was so moving to think that they had been part of that church and gone their with their families before the War started.

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Can you post your G/Grandfather's name and any details you have. It will help the Forum members to draw your picture.

Also a bit about your Great Uncle. I did some research for a guy only 2 weeks ago about which Bns went to Ireland at that time.

As you may know, the 3rd Bn West Yorks were formed in York ion August 1914,and remained in the UK for the duration. That is not to say that the front line battalions wouldn't have drawn on this,and the 4th Extra Reserve Bn,at time of need,as is evident from your G/Gs experience.

Best wishes


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