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Trying to find out about 525th and 147th Battery RGA


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I am trying to find out any information relating to the 525th (Lancashire and Cheshire) Battery RGA where my Great-Grandfather Harry Jackson enlisted in Liverpool.

He was the Battery Quarter Master Sergeant Henry Jackson (136347) and at some stage he transferred from the 525th to the 147th Siege Battery but I can't trace any information about 525th and limited details about the 147th.

Originally the family said that he enlisted in 1916 but I have found a postcard from 1915 which shows he was away serving in Kent at that time so must have enlisted before 1916.

What I have found is that the 147th Siege Battery was formed on 22nd May 1916 in Hampshire I believe and mobilised for France in August 1916. I believe that the 147th was equipped throughout the war with 4 6-inch howitzers but I have not been able to track down details of where the 147th Seige Battery were.

Harry was killed on 1st July 1917 and has no known grave but is remembered on the Arras Memorial. I have visited Kew and his service record appears to be one of the burnt records. In addition, the battery war diary for the 147th is missing for the period concerned. I did however find mention in a historical record for the 147th of an incident that may have been related to Harry's death but there is no date apart from it referring to 1917. The record states the following:

"When the advance was made the Battery was taken forward to Willerval where a position was chosen which was most unhealthy. One shell hit the Battery Sergeants mess and a column driver, L/Cpl Graffam promptly collected the wounded and in spite of the continued shelling conveyed them to a dressing station; for his coolness and courage he was awarded the military medal."

Is there any way I can find out more about the 525th and where and when Harry enlisted and more about the whereabouts of the 147th when Harry died? I think from my limited understanding they must have been involved in the 3rd Ypres but I am new to this and would appreciate any help and advice anyone can give to point me in the direction of finding out more about Harry's involvement in the war.

I hope someone can help.

Thank you


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Hang on, Tracey, there's a chap on this forum with a list of all of the RGA batteries, when they were formed, what they were armed with, where they were assigned and if they were expanded or disbanded during the war, when that event took place.

That's the good news. The bad news is that information on particular siege batteries is hard to find. Very few battery histories were written and, as siege batteries were moved from one place to another, if they show up in divisional histories, it is in cameo roles.

That said, you've come to the right place!

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Hang on, Tracey, there's a chap on this forum with a list of all of the RGA batteries, when they were formed, what they were armed with, where they were assigned and if they were expanded or disbanded during the war, when that event took place.

That's the good news. The bad news is that information on particular siege batteries is hard to find. Very few battery histories were written and, as siege batteries were moved from one place to another, if they show up in divisional histories, it is in cameo roles.

That said, you've come to the right place!

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Hi Hoplophile! Thank you for your reply. I would be really grateful for any information anyone can give.

Hope to hear soon


Hang on, Tracey, there's a chap on this forum with a list of all of the RGA batteries, when they were formed, what they were armed with, where they were assigned and if they were expanded or disbanded during the war, when that event took place.

That's the good news. The bad news is that information on particular siege batteries is hard to find. Very few battery histories were written and, as siege batteries were moved from one place to another, if they show up in divisional histories, it is in cameo roles.

That said, you've come to the right place!

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Something not quite right with the transfer that way round. 525 SB did not go out to the Western Front until June 1918 with 4 x 6 in guns. But 147 went out to the Western Front as you say from 21st August 1916 and were formed at Portsmouth. As CWGC has him with 147th when he died,

suggest you try the diary for the 18th HAG (Brigade) which 147 SB were part of from June 16th to 3rd September 1917. It is at the NA ref WO95/540. and as a BQMS the incident will hopefully be recorded.

Regards Paul

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