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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

10th Kompanie designation or 8th battery

Ir0n Cr0ss

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Hi, Ir0n.

We're not doing a very good job helping you, are we? I think the problem is that we're much more expert at Allied soldiers than Germn ones. Sorry. :(


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If he has served in a Prussian unit your chances of finding anything are vitually zero. Pretty much all that's left are regimental histories, and these hardly ever mention individual soldiers. If he has served in another army (the Bavarian, to name one) your chances are better, because these records survived the war. So it's important for you to find out in which army he was!



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While there is a possibility of locating your soldier there is no master list of men who served. The easiest way to locate a man is if he was a casualty. The Bavarian army was quite large and there are numerous regiments to study.

All information you have on this man would be needed before any attempt could be made. Have you tried to write to the Bavarian Archives yet? This would probably be your best bet.


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Iron, the address of the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv is Schonfeldstrasse 5-11, 80539 Munchen.

You can visit their website at http://www.gda.bayern.de/hstaix.htm (scroll down to Abteilung IV Kriegsarchiv, in German only) or email at kriegsarchiv@bayhsta.bayern.de.

I have no idea what records they still have. All I know is the archive survived WW2, which is pretty unique for a German achive.

Try to provide them with as many details you can get about Heinrich Zinkgraf (like Ralph suggested): date of birth, the town he lived, the unit he served in.

I hope you can find what you're looking for!



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Good chance the town Heinrich Zinkgraf was born still has his birth-certificate. And perhaps even other records, like his enlistment-papers.

Worth a try!


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