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Button on ebay


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I just saw this button on ebay and am wondering its origin.

The seller wonders if it is from a Scottish regiment, no doubt because on the reverse it has 'Gardiner & Co Glasgow'.

However, since it has an elephant with a castle-looking thing on its back, I'm pondering the idea that it might be a London regiment?

Of course, there's the possibility that it's not a military button at all.

Any thoughts?


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The Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment use to have a elephant on there button's, also the H.L.I. had one on there cap badge. As did the 1st Dumbartonshire Volunteer Rifle Corps.

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The elephant is also portayed on the buttons of the 74th, 76th & 78th Regiments of Foot - the 74th with palm leaves, QVC instead of houda and motto "Assaye" - 76th with houda and "Hindostan Peninsular" - 78th with QVC and "Assaye-Maida-Java". Last pattern H.L.I. was similar to the cap badge. I can't read the motto and it could well be a livery button, but wonder if it's also Indian Army??


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I did vaguely wonder about it being Indian, with the elephant. But were their uniforms and buttons etc made in the UK, or at home in India?

I think the first two words say 'Fortitudo et', but the last word/s is/are a bit tricky to make out. Maybe 'Fortitudo et Fidelitas'?


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Dumbartonshire Volunteer Rifle Corps, pre WW1, apparently. Good pick, themonsstar!

In service between 1887 and 1908.

A badge to match came up on ebay a month ago.


That cap badge gets sold monthly by the same seller.


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That's terrible! I mean I know caveat emptor and all that - especially with ebay. But you'd think they'd have to put that they are copies, somewhere on the advertisement for what they're selling! The way it's carefully worded, one assumes that it is the real deal.

"A genuine badge in very good condition"



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That's terrible! I mean I know caveat emptor and all that - especially with ebay. But you'd think they'd have to put that they are copies, somewhere on the advertisement for what they're selling! The way it's carefully worded, one assumes that it is the real deal.

"A genuine badge in very good condition"



I've tried before to point out this seller's wares observing the forums rules. Search for the thread a couple of pages back "same badge different listing" or something like that.


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Wishing to keep within the rule s a few facts.

1. That particular seller has sold the same pattern badges again and again and again over the last few years.

2. I know one chap who paid £100 for a Guards MG Bn badge only to find that the seller listed the same pictured badge again the next week.

3. John Gaylor's book comments that you should always beware dealers with the same rare badges with a seemingly unceasing suppy and I think that applies to many ebay sellers.

4. Ebay do not care as people selling copies are generating them a lot of profits and as the recent BBC documentary showed Ebay is full of fakes.

5. It is a real shame becasue people are destroying a hobby by selling so many fakes that people give up collecting in despair.


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since it has an elephant with a castle-looking thing on its back, I'm pondering the idea that it might be a London regiment?

Goin' dahn the Elephant for some pie and a mash and few jellied eels.....I like your thinking, Allie :lol: Could've been off a Pearly King's outfit!

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Goin' dahn the Elephant for some pie and a mash and few jellied eels.....I like your thinking, Allie :lol: Could've been off a Pearly King's outfit!

Well, one should cover all possiblities, you know, when researching. *pious look*


I think it's terrible that ebay can't police their site a bit better. But the almighty £ and $. *sigh*


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