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Guest Robert Hahn

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Guest Robert Hahn

Hi everyone! I would like to know what the weather was like in the Somme area, notably at Montauban on July 20, 21 and 22 1915. Does anyone know where such information can be found?

Robert Hahn

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Battalion war diaries often record the weather

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Normally you will find that information in the war diaries.


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Normally you will find that information in the war diaries.



dont you just hate that!


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"The Army does not go into action with umbrellas', so claimed the British War Office when the Met Office offered their help in 1914. By the end of the war there were four services: Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Met Office. It doesn't help much, but the most reliable guides are probably those already mentioned, and there could be something general in the 'Pals Battalions' histories, or 'Battlefield Europe' series.

Kind Regards,


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The Guards had umbrellas and bowler hats.... :lol:

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That's what I like about the Guards'--impeccable :D I'm always reminded of the opening credits to The Persuaders with Roger Moore in uniform. I just wish I had an answer for Robert.



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I have just been trying to find out the weather at La Boisselle on 10 September 1915 and despite having about a dozen War Diaries from Army down to battalion none actually gives the weather for that day! Also I don't believe that the British relieved the French in the area opposite Montauban until late July/ early August 1915 so British sources might not help.


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Guest Robert Hahn

Thank you, folks, for all your suggestions! I don´t know which British formation that was at Montauban region in late July 1915. I have tried the 13th Infantry Brigade, 5th Division, but no appropriate information was there. I have also tried the German sources (1st Bayerische Infanterie-Regiment from Munich) but they don´t seem to have recorded the weather. Question remains.

Kind regrads to all,

Robert Hahn

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Contacting Meteo France might help (www.meteo.fr). Quite often institutes like this have an archive with weather reports of previous years, sometimes dating back to early 20st century. Their website is (also) in English, in case your French is a little rusty...

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Hi everyone! I would like to know what the weather was like in the Somme area, notably at Montauban on July 20, 21 and 22 1915. Does anyone know where such information can be found?

Robert Hahn

Not sure if this is much help to you,but reading through the History of the 7th Service Battalion Yorks and Lancs Regiment which is the regiment my Grandfather served with,it states bad roads and hot weather made the march somewhat trying,this was around the Poperinghe area.I know that is some miles from the Somme,but I would have thought the weather would have been similar,the date being 21st.July 1915



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Robert Hahn

Thanks for all advice!

I got a prompt response from the French weather report service, within two hours! However, they did only have the weather for the Somme rea in general, not for a specified village. However, I got the info from 1:e Bayerische Infanterie-Regiment, 1st battallion. Their 2nd and 3rd battalions didn´t take notes of the weater, but the 1st battallion did! Perhaps this is useful info for others.

For July 21, 1915, they noted "herrlisches wetter" with the addition of some clouds in the evening.

Case is closed!

Robert Hahn

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