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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Fifeshire Heavy Battery

Ali Hollington

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Hi All,

Having probably identifed my Great Grandfather, Gnr Thomson Brown's RGA 306398, and I now believe he might have served in the above battery,thanks to Ron (ironduke).

Does anyone have information on them from 1916 onwards? Was there a history written?



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The diary mentioned on the other thread is an informative one, but it’s the way of things that if your man kept his head down and got on with his job then he is unlikely to be mentioned although plenty of Officers are named and in general casualties also.

The movements of the Highland Fife HB are complicated so here goes…..

They went out to the Western Front in May 1915, joining 3 Heavy artillery Brigade on 6/5/15. On to the 4 HAB 3/7/15; to 8 HAB 20/8/15; attached to 5 Div Aty. From 4/9/15 to 6/11/15; rejoined 8 HAB 7/11/15; to 1 Heavy Artillery Group 14/6/16; onto 16 HAG 5/7/16; to 17 HAG 27/7/16; to 32 HAG 2/12/16. then to rest and refit with new 60 pdr guns and training from 10/12/16 to 29/1/17. To 56 HAG 19/2/17; to 4 HAG 14/3/17; to7 HAG 21/3/17; to 48 HAG 16/5/17; to 3 HAG 29/5/17; to 73 HAG 26/6/17; to 28 HAG 7/7/17; to 35 HAG 11/9/17; back to 28 HAG 17/10/17 and finally to 83 HAG on the 27/10/17 with no subsequent changes. This will enable you to look up the relevant higher formation HAG diaries they were attached to at various times.

I have posted an interesting snippet of history made by Fife HB on your other thread.

Regards Paul

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