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Can anyone give me any clues as to regt, rank etc of this chap/s?

Many thanks


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I have added these close ups to see if that helps.

Many thanks

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It looks like LF/RF, with a fusiliers bomb/grenade above it. This would indicate Lancashire Fusiliers/Royal Fusiliers. The lanyard would suggest he was working with horses, maybe in the Transport Section.

Also, it is a good photo, but I was wondering whether the mark on the left hand side of his face was a mark on the photo, or a scar from a previous wound.

Hope this helps

Yours Aye


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Isn't this the same chap that is in the photo marked Norris? Or brother of?


Tom McC

I was thinking exactly the same. Same man, different regiment (?). Post war as he has both ribbons up - British War Medal, Victory Medal. Didn't go overseas before 1 Jan 16 then. Close up of shoulder needed. And I don't think he's Somersets in the other picture either. No bugle, word too long.

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Many thanks Tom and Phil? for your informative replies.

In the past I have suspected that they were one and the same, but hoped they weren't. So now I have pasted them both in the leader for comparison.

Apart from my uncle John Meek Norris who died of wounds, 2 of his brothers also served in the war; Archie who I mention below, and Harry Charles Norris of whom I know nothing at all

I was hoping that the picture/s are of my uncle Archie Norris who served initially with the West Riding Regt, and then having been gassed, with the Labour Corps.

However, Archie went to France on 26.8.15, so it appears that if they are of the same man, then it can't be him. Back to the drawing board.

Regarding your comment about the 'scar', Tom. I think the mark is on the photograph, as under the magnifying glass it is a slightly different colour...but won't rub off.

Close ups: The chap without ribbons. However closely I examine it, I cannot make out any letters.

On the chap with ribbons, my initial thought was that the shoulder dog was a 'W', I realise now that it isn't. There are 2 letters! Possibly EP or maybe LP. And Tom, it may even be LF !!!!! with a grenade above!!!


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Further to the above posting.

I have checked the National Archives and found:-

NORRIS Charles H Pte Lancashire Fusiliers 50568 Medal Entitlement:- British War Medal and Victory Medal.

(Your take on it is looking good Tom and Phil)

Why oh why is a Lincolnshire man, who lives in Yorkshire, serving with a Lancashire Regiment?

It doesn't give any indication of him served abroad, nor does it give another regiment.

I wonder, am I once again looking at two different people?

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Lincolnshire > Yorkshire > Lancashire ... moving up in the world!!! :P

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At this rate, he will move to the ultimate...the King's Liverpool Regiment!


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Thanks for that Matthew...BTW you are almost a neighbour, :rolleyes: I'm a touch west of you. However on Tuesday I'll be almost within touching distance, as I'm going to Alston Hall!!!!!

Small world.

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