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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Brass Memorial Plaque Restoration


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I have been given the task of attempting to raise the cash for the restoration of our Parish Church Memorial Plaque. I would be very grateful of any of the Pals could help with any of the following questions

A. does anyone know of a commercial company that specializes in the restoration of these plaques (preferably East Anglia or willing to travel).

B. Sources of funding (I already aware of the Friends of War Memorials)


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I have been given the task of attempting to raise the cash for the restoration of our Parish Church Memorial Plaque. I would be very grateful of any of the Pals could help with any of the following questions

A. does anyone know of a commercial company that specializes in the restoration of these plaques (preferably East Anglia or willing to travel).

B. Sources of funding (I already aware of the Friends of War Memorials)


Obviously I can't help on the first.

On the second, a couple of thoughts.

The 100th anniversary of the Great War is only eight years away. If the size of the parish (i.e. active parishioners) warrants it, why not start a parish fundraiser with that goal?

If a large number of the commemorated were from one regiment, you might see if the Regimental Association is willing to make a contribution.

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I shall keep that in mind



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never thought of that - cheers mate


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