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ANZACs to Gallipoli

Aaron Nelson

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Hi all,

Im currently researching my wifes great Grandfather who served at Gallipoli, he was involved in the initial landings on 25th April 1915. He was severly wounded within days of the landings and was shipped back to New Zealand in July of 1915. His details are, Pvt Thomas Willacy, 10/1365. 17th Ruahine Company, Wellington Battalion.

My problem is this, I am trying to establish which troopship he was on board when he landed at Gallipoli on the 25th of April 1915. The official Wellington Regiment History states the Ruahine Company was on board the SS Lutzow, however a very good book written by Chris Pugsley " Gallipoli, The New Zealanders story" states that the Lutzow carried " 1725 New Zealanders, consisting of Godleys divisional Headquaretrs, the Auckland Battalion, half of the Canterbury battalion, plus signallers, field engineers and artillery" He makes no mention of the Wellingtons or the Ruahine COmpany on board the Lutzow.

Further more, later on in the book he states that Malone, commader of the Wellington Battalion, was on board the Itonus. I presume with his Welington Battalion ??

Can someone please clarify for me which troopship the Ruahine Company of the Wellington Battalion on when they arrived at Gallipoli.

thanks and kindest regards, Aaron.

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Thanks to an email from Sotonmate, ( cheers mate) have solved the mystery. A book written in 1919 called the New Zealanders at Gallipoli has the transports listed as the following.

Transports Carrying the New Zealand and Australian Division from Alexandria to Gallipoli, April 1915.

Name of Transport. O.C. Troops. Adjutant and Units on Board

“ACHAIA” Major H. Hart

Wellington Battalion Lieut. A. J. Cross

Wellington Battalion Wellington Infantry Battalion (2 Companies)

“ITONUS” Lt.-Col. W. G. Malone

Wellington Battalion Capt. M. McDonnell

Wellington Battalion Wellington Infantry Battalion (less 2 Companies)

Canterbury Infantry Battalion (2 Companies)

“KATUNA” Major F. Symon

R.N.Z.A. Capt., Clyde McGilp

N.Z.F.A. Headquarters Field Artillery Brigade

1st Battery N.Z.F.A.

“LUTZOW” Lt.-Col. A. Plugge

Auckland Battalion Capt. A. G. B. Price

Auckland Battalion Divisional Headquarters Auckland Infantry Battalion

Divisionl Signal Company (Headquarters and No. 1 Section)

Canterbury Battalion (less 2 Companies)

“GOSLAR” Major F. Fergusson

Royal Engineers Capt. F. Waite

N.Z.E. Headquarters Divisional Engineers. N.Z. Engineers

No. 1 Field Company New Zealand Engineers

Headquarters New Zealand Infantry Brigade

No. 1 Field Ambulance. New Zealand Medical Corps

Headquarters No. 2 Company Divisional Train and Details, N.Z.A.S.C.

Divisional Signal Company (Brigade Section)

“ANNABERG” Lt.-Col. A. Moore

Otago Battalion Lieut. J. S. Reid

Otago Battalion Otago Infantry Battalion

“HAIDAR PASHA” Lt.-Col. Pope

16th Battalion Capt. R. T. McDonald

16th Battalion 16th Battalion Australian Infantry (Headquarters and 3 Companies)

“SEEANGBEE” Major H. R. Carter

15th Battalion Capt. C. P. Corsor

15th Battalion 13th Battalion Australian Infantry (1 Company)

15th Battalion Australian Infantry (2 Companies)

16th Battalion Australian Infantry (1 Company)

“AUSTRALIND” Lt.-Col. Cannan

15th Battalion Capt. W. C. Willis

15th Battalion 4th New Zealand Howitzer Battery and Ammunition Column

15th Battalion Australian Infantry (less 2 Companies)

“SEEANGCHUN” Lt.-Col. R. E. Courtney

14th Battalion Capt. C. M. H. Dare

14th Battalion Headquarters 4th Australian Infantry Brigade

14th Battalion Australian Infantry

“CALIFORNIAN” Major I. T. Standish

R.N.Z.A. Lieut. C. Carrington

N.Z.F.A. 3rd Battery New Zealand Field Artillery

Ammunition Column. New Zealand Field Artillery Brigade

4th Australian Field Ambulance

“ASCOT” Lt.-Col. G. J. Burnage

13th Battalion Capt. J. H. A. Durrant

13th Battalion 13th Battalion Australian Infantry (Headquarters and 3 Companies)

4th Australian Company Divisional Train (Headquarters and Supply Section)

“SURADA” Major F. B. Sykes

Royal Artillery Lieut. V. Rogers

R.N.Z.A. 2nd Battery New Zealand Field Artillery

No. 2 Brigade Ammunition Column

It would appear the Wellingtons Regimental official history is wrong on this point. The wellingtons were not on board the Lutzow, but split between the Itonus and the ACHAIA. The Taranaki and Ruahine Companies were on board the Itonus, while the West coast and Hawkes Bay companies on board the Achaia.

kindest regards Aaron.

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Transports Carrying the New Zealand and Australian Division from Alexandria to Gallipoli, April 1915.

Name of Transport. O.C. Troops. Adjutant and Units on Board

Many thanks for this info Aaron. I have Chris Pugsley's " Gallipoli, The New Zealanders story", I'm going to put a notation of these transports with my book.

Cheers, Diane

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