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Cenotaphs InFlint and Llandudno N. Wales

John Johnson

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I found the following soldiers in an old book, they both served in the 116th Bn CEF and both died during the Great War. They are Pte 3030579 W Jones from Llandudno and Pte 2507318 JH Jones from Flint. I was wondering if these gentlemen are named on thier home Cenotaphs in N. Wales? If they are not named how do I go about getting them named? John D Johnson

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Hi there,

I'll look up the one in Flint for you tomorrow and let you know.



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The list of names for Llandudno is avaialble online at the Conwy Council website.

I tried to log onto this months ago and couldnt . And still can't! Gawd knows why.


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It's the same as months ago. Can't even access their home page at conwy.gov.uk.

Don't understand it. I don't have any "net nanny" sort of stuff operating, but maybe AOL thinks "conwy" is a dirty word.

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Llandudno has a William Jones and a William A Jones. No mention of regiment so no diea if either is your man.


(PS - Gwyn - most weird. I cannto access anything on the Council's website via IE or Firefox, but type it straight in to AOL's own browser and no problem. Spooky.)

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According to the Canadian Archives site:

2507318 John Henry Jones

Born Flint, 9 Feby. 1884

Occupation, Head Waiter

Residence, c/o ...New York City

Next of kin, mother, Susannah Jones of Oakenholt Cottage, Flint

Religion, Episcopalian (Anglican)

Enlisted 21 June 1917, Toronto, in 110th Battn. CEF

3030579 William Jones

Born Llandudno, 1 December 1886

Occupation, plasterer

Residence, Chicago Illinois

Next of kin, father, Christmas Jones of Tan-y-?Graig, Llandudno

Religion, Baptist

Enlisted 19 Sept 1917, Toronto, in 1st Depot Battn., C.O.R. (?Canadian Overseas Regt.)

Fuller details from website if desired at www.collectionscanada.ca/archivianet

Hope the extra details might help pin down the right memorials in North Wales.



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I've been to look at the cenotaph in Flint this morning and JH (John Henry) Jones is not on it but there were two others of similar names. Is there another plaque or memorial tablet in the town somewhere that has him?


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Hi Johno

I live in Flint and am researching the men of this town and neighbouring district of Oakenholt who died in WW1. I didn't have much info on John Henry Jones so was grateful to see these posts.

John Henry's name is on the Oakenholt Parish Church memorial but probably not on the Flint Town memorial I say probably not because there was another John Henry Jones from the town who was killed so it is more than likely his name on the town cenotaph.

In my researches I have discovered about 20 names not on any of the town's memorials ie cenotaph, chapels or parish churches so will do my best to rectifiy that in due course.

The former mayoress of the town told me she spoke to a committee member of the local RBL club and he said he will see to it their names are added to the cenotaph but whether it's as easy as that I really don't know.



By the way what is the title of the book you mentioned?

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Hello Peter,

by the way, have you been to the Flints County Record Office in Hawarden?

I'm told they have a card index of all Flintshire men who served in WW1 (& that those who died have the corner snipped off!) - but not having clappped eyes on this yet, I can't evaluate it for you. Maybe someone else on Forum can?

Best wishes from the Maelor (Flints. Detached)


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Majorsam/Peter I read of the deaths of these guys in the Regimetal History of the 166th Toronto Battalion. As I lived in Mancot for some years I thought it would be good to ge their names put on thier home Cenotaphs and with your help at least one chap will. Many thanks buddy

John D Johnson (Ex 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards, The Welsh Cavalry)

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I've been to look at the cenotaph in Flint this morning and JH (John Henry) Jones is not on it but there were two others of similar names. Is there another plaque or memorial tablet in the town somewhere that has him?


Many thanks for going to look so what is our next move toget this gentlemans name put thereon? John
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LST 164

Yes I am aware of the WW1 Soldiers Index in the Flintshire Record Office. I have transcribed the Flint and Bagillt men and when I have finished my book I will transcribe the rest which will be about 10,800 in total and transfer it to a cd and maybe a few people out there will purchase a copy.


I don't think John Henry Jones will qualify to have his name added the cenotaph. Though he was born in Flint he hadn't actually lived there for many years

This is what I found in the local paper:-

CH 15th November 1918 Page 3 Col 2


Mr and Mrs John Owen Jones, of Oakenholt, have received an official communication that their son, Lance Corporal John Henry Jones, was killed in action on September 29th. He was in New York and the West Indies for eleven years. About 18 months ago, on his return from the West Indies to New York, he joined a Canadian regiment, and was duly trained. He landed in England just twelve months ago, and went over to France in February last year. He was in many of the hard battles on the Western Front. Mr and Mrs Jones have four other sons in the Army, three of whom have been wounded. General sympathy is felt with them in their bereavement

Notice it says he was a L/Cpl though the CWGC says Pte.

One of his brothers, William Edward, was killed on 5th November the same year. He almost made it.


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I'm probably going way off here, but I thought you'd like to know a bit more about John Henry's background! Here goes........

In the 1901 Census of Flint he is recorded as a 17 year old living at the Paper Mill Cottage with his father John Owen Jones (41), mother, Susannah Frances Jones (38) and a houseful of brothers, William Edward (20), Robert Samuel, John O., and Julius C. There had been another brother, the eldest of them all, Thomas Arthur too. John Henry was a clerk at the paper mill. John Owen senior is listed as being an inn keeper and paper mill worker, as well as a Welsh speaker - typically for that area, as a parent with Susannah he did not raise his children to speak Welsh.

In the 1891 Census has John Henry living at the Plough Inn on Earl Street in Flint. His parents are the inn keepers. Thomas Arthur is listed living with them here.

In the 1881 Census, John Henry's parents are living with Susannah's parents on Mumforth Street. John Owen Jones is a 20year old assistant schoolmaster with two children........Thomas Arthur and the one month old William Edward, who was later killed during the Great War.

If you want to see good old pictures of these places go to www.fflint.co.uk. Earl Street has changed tremendously since John Henry's day, but you can see how it once looked. And you can see good photos of the paper mill too!

I hope I haven't drifted too far!


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Thanks for the census info though I do have the family in the 1901 census.



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You guys are amazing, I will challenge you again later. I am off out selling poppies. I am my Branches Poppy Chairman so it is work, work, work. John out West

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My new challenge: names are William Martin of Garston, Liverpool 19 WW1 Veteran any information on this gentleman. George Jones also of Garston Liverpool 19 also a WW1 veteran. Good luck guys. John

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My new challenge: names are William Martin of Garston, Liverpool 19 WW1 Veteran any information on this gentleman. George Jones also of Garston Liverpool 19 also a WW1 veteran. Good luck guys. John


I'm sure the pals who have access to this thread will do what they can, but can I suggest you also start a new topic for these 2 men, emphasising the Liverpool connection & giving all the background you can?

That way other specialists on the Forum with Liverpool area interests will see it and be able to respond: at the moment it appears under a Flint etc. heading & they may pass it by!

All the best,


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