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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Potijze Trench Map?


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Would anyone have a trench map of Potijze 1916, or information re trenches A.5 and A.6 , war diary GG mentions Warwick farm, Congreve walk, Duke Street and Fenchurch street, or pointers to where I may get this info. thanks Nel

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Hi Nel,

Sorry, not a Potijze area map of 1916, but an extract from a (probably ?) 1915 map.

But I'm sure it will help.

Trenches A 5 and A 6 can be found in subsquare 5 a (if ever you are in the area : this is just a few dozen meters east and southeast of the present French military cemetery St. Charles de Potyze (Zonnebeke Road)

Warwick Farm can be found in subsquare 29 c

Duke Street in subsquare 5 a, near position (trench) A 5 b

Fenchurch Street in 29 c ; not easy to read, but it's just northwest of Warwick Farm.

(Added later : Sorry this attachment won't be of much help, but I had to obey the Forum rules and keep my attachment smaller than 100 kB. (It's 95 kB)

I wish I knew how other pals seem to manage to post photos and maps smaller than 100 kB and yet the result on the screen is a lot bigger than my poor reproduction below.... :huh:

Anyway, if you want the unresized version of this map (and more than just this extract) send me a PM or email.

I'll make up for the small size by posting a photo of Warwick Farm as it looks like now. Smaller than 100 kB though. <_<



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Isn't that bizarre ?

The photo I have just posted in # 3, though only 52 kB (because that is my original) looks much larger on the screen than the map extract in my posting # 2.

The one I will post below, is 97 kB. I wonder how large it will appear !

(One day someone with a mind superior to mine (technically :D ) will have to explain this mystery to me.



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My 97 kB photo looks smaller than my 52 kB photo !!!

I'll stop being puzzled by that.

Today is Sunday.

Day of Rest.


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