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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Military Medal, G H Dick, RFA


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My uncle 48193 Bdr. George Henry ("Harry") Dick enlisted Manchester and served in France from 25 Aug 1915 with A Battery, 103 Brigade, RFA. He died of wounds 23 April 1917 and was buried Lijssenthoek military cemetery. The award of MM was published London Gazette 18 June 1917. Individual citation for the medal has not been found, and attestation papers are not available. Is there any way to know the circumstances surrounding the award, or to discover the history of his Brigade/Battery? Any help very much appreciated. Veronica.

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he lived in Holloway so a local newspaper report is a good place to look for details

do they have awar diary at the NA ?

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he lived in Holloway so a local newspaper report is a good place to look for details

do they have awar diary at the NA ?

He enlisted at Holloway - but I'm not sure where that is (was). I will look in the Manchester papers. I have been given a reference for the war diary and have asked NA for estimate. I much appreciate your interest and your help. Veronica.

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  • 6 months later...

My Great Grandfather served as a signaller in B Battery, 103 Bde RFA from March 1917 until wars end.

He kept a diary and preserved documents from his time in France and later Italy.

There is currently a website dedicated to my Grandfather containing, amongst other things, sketches of battery positions which you may find interesting.

The web address is : http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/tedspires/

Hopefully you'll find the entries he made whilst serving in the 'small hell' of the Ypres salient will give you some idea of the experiences your relative must have had.

Please feel free to email the webmaster of that site (my father) as he'll be very gratified to make contact with a relative of a former comrade of his Grandfather. There have already been a couple.

Did you get hold of a copy of the Brigade war diary? I'd order a copy if my web browser didn;t crash every time I hit the 'get quote' button. :(

Good luck with your research. I have found it incredibly interesting and hope to visit the Asiago battlefield next year on the 90th anniversary of Bert winning his MM on June 15th 1918.

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