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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Poor state of war graves Cardiff


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Hi I was in Cathays cemetary this morning looking for a grave to photo for a member in Canada to discover I had been beaten to the task by Daryn! While searching (it turned out to be a family grave not CWGC) that although some war graves had clearly been treated recently there were several which which were in poor repair one I could hardly make out at all ,I think it was


in section L.

A question for Terry

Do the CWGC regularly check on the condition of graves in the UK or is it up to the local council or up to us to report it? thanks gareth

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The CWGC Area Inspectors check all war graves on a regular cycle - every two years or so.

CWGC have agreements with many local authorities for the upkeep of graves where their own travelling teams cannot make frequent visits. Sometimes these agreements are not honoured.

Remember, however, that CWGC have no remit to care for private war graves in the UK. That is the sole responsibility of the relatives - a result of the NoK electing to have a private headstone rather than a CWGC one. With about 20% of war graves in the UK being private, this is an ongoing problem. CWGC were given no rights over such graves and they have a harder time in the UK with this situation than they do in most overseas locations!

However, the CWGC teams do sometimes 'tidy up' a private grave if they can when in the area although they cannot repair or remove any masonry as it is not their property. They cannot do this in all cases however.

You should report any untidy war graves - private or CWGC - to the UK Area Office via the CWGC website and they will deal with the situation in due course. They will contact the authority to try to get them to do some work or get their own team to do something when they are next in that area (can take some time depending). You may find that the situation is already in hand.

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  • 2 years later...

Kevin - It is Baghdad North Gate Cemetery - I took some photo's of it shortly after dawn on Anzac day. I was lucky enough to go to the Anzac Day service.

It is the best preserved Cemetery in Iraq, and I wish I could have stayed longer to have a good look. It is looked after by a caretaker and his family who live in the grounds.

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