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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Wiesa b. Annaberg PoW camp

Doug Johnson

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Wiesa is not mentioned on the LLT or in Mrs P-H. Cecile has it listed as a principal camp for Officers in Saxony. I have not found any mention so far in WO161 and can only assume that it's absence is due to the fact that no British officers were there. Has anyone any details of the camp and can anyone confirm that no British were there.


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Thanks Friedhelm. Confirms that there were no British there. Cecile has a similar listing on her site but without the prisoner detail, just totals per group of camps. Do you have the details for Gustrow as they would be of considerable interest?



Officers at Wiesa

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Thanks for the info. I have compiled a list of some 600 plus names of 'Brits' at Gustrow (and a few French and Belgian etc). Only 18 000 more Brits to identify!

I suspect that at Wiesa all those listed were actually in the camp whereas in Gustrow only a few hundred were there at any one time, the rest being out at work placements. Some of which I know of were on the same placment for more than eighteen months without returning to the camp.


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