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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

First Battle of the Scarpe


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Dear All,

My Great Uncle Thomas James Coleman (392915) a Rifleman with the Queen Victoria's Rifles 9th batt was killed at Arras on 11/04/1917, I think during the Battle of the scarpe?

Does anyone have any information on this battle or what his regiment was doing during this time. Even better if any one has a trench map of the area I would be forever in there debt. I know by the War Diary they were attacking WANCOURT LINE near HENINEL and THAMES TRENCH.

Many Thanks in Advance


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I assume that you knew that he was previously 3009 (Essex Regt) when he enlisted and at the time was living in Chelmsford).

You are quite right when you specify Scarpe, but only in terms of the 1st battle. There were 3 battles of the Scarpe. Please refer to the mother-site for more info.



There are many trench-map experts here, just wait until two come along at the same time.

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Thank you, I didn't know that. I only have what was on the war diary for the day he died, is it just a case of waiting for map experts or is there another thread i can find them on?

Many thanks


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