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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Alexander Watson, Sergt 51st Canadian Regt


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Could any CEF expert look this chap up for me. I can't find him on CWGC.

I suspect it means 51st Bn doesn't it ??

He presumably had some connection with Birkenhead.



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That's great, thank you very much. With a birth in Bhd and father's address just around the corner from the memorial in question, this must be the right chap. I wonder if he been a Sergt in the 51st then transf (& demoted ?) to the 49th ???


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Julian: There are 46 Alexander Watson's on the site. I have gone through the first 20 but have found no other with a Birkenhead connection. There is an Alexander Watson 624072 in the 151 Batt. Here is the link if you would like to have a look for yourself and check 20-46.

Library and Archives Canada

Another solution would be to order a copy of his service file to confirm if he was in the 51st at one time.

Good luck


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Hi Julian,

I fully agree with Doris that Alexander Watson, 437632, is a likely candidate. Not only because he was born in Birkenhead, but also because the 51st Battalion was sent to England as a Garrison Battalion and was broken up to supply drafts to other Canadian Infantry Battalions. One of them was the 49th Bn.

There is some information to be found here.



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Can't tell if its the same guy or not, but there is an A Watson commemorated on the Birkenhead War Memorial.

A previous Forum post from BeppoSappone notes that Birkenhead Central Library holds a roll of "Birkenhead men who fell in the War". Possibly it includes more than just a list of names but Beppo may be able to advise.


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Thank you again,

Yes, I'm inclined to agree with Doris' first suggestion - I'll have a look at the remaining 26 AWs when I've got a minute.

I'm looking at men listed on 2 separate memorials, both from presbyterian churches in B'hd (B'hd had large scottish communities). I know about the list of people on the Hamilton Sq memorial (it does have more than just names), I've got a few people - incl AW - that I need to cross check, so I'll try to get up there to do so sometime.


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