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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


The Old Guard

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A few years ago I swapped some stuff with a friend and in return recevied a pair and plaque to the above soldier. I don't quite understand how he became a casaulty or with what battalion.

From war graves shows he was in the 11th Lincolns and a date of 03/05/1917.

From soldiers died (book) shows him as a casualty under Labour Companies with previuos service in the East Yorks regiment number 84676. Born and enlisted at Hull, gives the same date of death. KIA not died of wounds.

I understand that the 11th were UK based and did not serve overseas. What is a Labour Company? is this the same as the Labour Corps? Could the cemetery give any clues to his death or who he was serving with as it's close to Arras.

Any help would be great. Medals are named as topic title.

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