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1st Border Regt Man Missing From CWGC Register?


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I have the story of the 1st Borders at Gallipoli and it has a roll of honour. He is listed with the same details you give adding that he was in 11 Platoon of C Company.

In brackets next to it it says " not recorded in CWGC"

Sounds like the researcher had the same experiance you did.

Assuming he is not the victim of a mis-spelling, what does it take to get him listed?

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One for Terry Please!


Following a query from a local researcher,who has the original documentation & notification of death in action,from Fullwood Barracks Preston, of 10661 William Thomas Newbold of the 1st Border Regiment I searched for his details on CWGC site,to no avail,also using New*;Now*;Nuw*;etc;apparently he is unrecorded on the site.

He is however;recorded in Soldiers Died In the Great War:~

Border Regt 1st Bn;Page14.

NEWBOLD; William Thomas

Enlisted Canterbury{Greenwich,Kent}

Born Barking Essex.

10661 L/Cpl;

KiA;Gallipoli 28/04/1915.

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I am ın Turkey at the moment but wıll follow up thıs one when I return on Monday.

Sorry for the break ın servıce! :D . The wıfe made me take a holıday!

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what does it take to get him listed?

Terry's pinned post in the "possible non-commemorations" section sets out the rough process.

Where identity is proved conclusively (like this case), there's usually only a need to prove that death occured. Death certificate is obviously cast iron proof. In this case, HB mention "original documentation and notificatioon of death". I'd have thought that enough to submit to CWGC.


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I am ın Turkey at the moment but wıll follow up thıs one when I return on Monday.

Sorry for the break ın servıce! :D . The wıfe made me take a holıday!

@ least you are in the right area!!! :lol:;)



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Don't rely on not fındıng hıs name ın the lıst as proof that he ıs not there. You would be surprısed at the possıbılıtıes!

I wıll check when I get back on Monday nıght. If he ıs not there, we wıll need hıs death certıfıcate and that ıs probably all.

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He is not in the CWGC list.

He does appear in the GRO Overseas Death Index under Ref No I.16.61 as L/Cpl William T.J. Newbold

This could be taken forward with the death certificate.

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Thanks Terry:

I will see if the fellow has the Certificate.


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