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I have recently found out that my GreatGrandad was a soldier in the lincolnshire regiment 1918.

his name is Allan Walter Dale.

I came across this infomation when my Grandad died

I was given a shoe box with 3 medals and a photo.

I have found a exact copy of the photo on roll of honour web site ( lincolnshire regiment group december 1918 )

Please could any one help me find out some infomation this web site was recomended to me.

my Great Grandad Allan Walter Dale did not die in the services.

I dont known were to start looking for infomation

yours sincerly squinty :unsure:

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Hi Squinty,

I've just had a look on the National Archives Medal Index Card website, using the name that you gave and although there are 34 'Dales' there is no Allan.

If you look on the side of the medals it will be engraved with his name unit and service number. If all three medals belong to him then it is very likely that he served abroad during 1915, possibly 1914.

Was he a Lincolnshire man?

Please post again when you have had a look at the medals,



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Hi Squinty,

I've just had a look on the National Archives Medal Index Card website, using the name that you gave and although there are 34 'Dales' there is no Allan.

If you look on the side of the medals it will be engraved with his name unit and service number. If all three medals belong to him then it is very likely that he served abroad during 1915, possibly 1914.

Was he a Lincolnshire man?

Please post again when you have had a look at the medals,



thanks steve for your reply

ive looked at the side of the medals and they says=221386 PNR.W.DALE. R.E

thanks squinty

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Hi Squinty,

That translates as (and checks with the NA MIC),

221386 Pioneer Walter Dale Royal Engineers.

Looks like he preferred 'Walter' to Allan

The service number is a Territorial Force number.

There is a Walter S. Dale on the MIC who served with the 1/4th Lincolns, who were Territorials and also the Labour Corps and S/Staffs, he is the only one and I don't think he is the same man.

Does it give the same details on all of the medals?



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Hi Squinty,

That translates as (and checks with the NA MIC),

221386 Pioneer Walter Dale Royal Engineers.

Looks like he preferred 'Walter' to Allan

The service number is a Territorial Force number.

There is a Walter S. Dale on the MIC who served with the 1/4th Lincolns, who were Territorials and also the Labour Corps and S/Staffs, he is the only one and I don't think he is the same man.

Does it give the same details on all of the medals?



Thankyou for the help you are giving me. Ive always learnt a saying a little help goes a long way.

This is all new to me abreiviations (MIC) The medals in question all have the same name and number on them.

I have no infomation on my GreatGrandad at all only a picture and medals what ever infomation you come up with on these numbers is all new evidance of his existance.

My family know as much me and thats not a lot regarding this matter.

my family have no paper work on this man either as he died in the 1920s

So what ever infomation you are comming up with youare paving the way for my familys unknown history.

So this I am EXTREMLY GREATFUL you are creating history.

yours squinty

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Hi again Squinty,

The photograph of the Lincolnshire Regiment with your Grandad's medals. Is he on the photograph? If not then this may be a red herring?

As you have said, you do not know much about him, but do you know where he was born? Where he lived, before or after the war? Did he have any brothers who served?

Even the most insignificant detail may help.

Could you post the link to the photograph, just out of interest please.


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hello steve heres the link to that photo h**p://www.roll-of-honour.com/Lincolnshire/

if you scrol down you will see the army group.

He is in the middle row last man on the right.

he was born and died in grimsby(grantham) as ive just been told.

Or look at my personal photo and you will see it there.

i havent sent the post live to you not sure if im allowed thankyou for your time

squinty :unsure:

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Hi Again Squinty,

Haven't really got any clues at the moment regarding the photograph. Is there a possibility that it was taken after the war, I don't know?

However there is a little progress! He lived in Castle Street in Grimsby (which was then in New Cleethorpes if I'm not mistaken). I know that there were Territorial Artillery and Medical companies in Grimsby, but I'm not sure about the R.E. I'll have to make a few enquiries.

Have a look at this link below:


Also, for a good place to start to find out about the role of the Royal Engineers, click on this link below to the mother site:


Often, what a man did in civilian life before the war led to him joining the R.E., if he had a specialist skill etc.


Steve. ;)

P.S. What is the Grantham connection?

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I just seen a picture to confirm that that is him in that photo but unfortunatly i have now scanner.

I have seen the national archive page on the medal number.

On the royal engineers w dale pioneer so we are now moving foward very fast believe it or not.

this pc world is pretty new to me so bear with it.

im know putting pieces to a face and your help has done this so thankyou the name gratham i was told the connection is with my grandad were i dont know

squinty :unsure:

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hello steve people will be talking soon lol

I have just found out he worked at immington docks after the war as a docker

in grimsby

squinty :unsure:

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