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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Troops Awaiting Entrainment

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Postcard bought today.

Any ideas about who these soldiers are, and why they are wearing tropical kit.

Reverse has Carte Postale, so produced in France(?)




Assuming the scene is in France, it could have been taken in Marseilles, where many British troops embarked for Egypt, Gallipoli, etc, having come by train from the Western Front. I'm no expert in French, but presumably 'embarquement' could also be translated as 'embarkation' as well as 'entrainment'.

Assuming the scene is in France, it could have been taken in Marseilles, where many British troops embarked for Egypt, Gallipoli, etc, having come by train from the Western Front.

It could also be the other way round - arriving in France from Egypt,etc. However I've read about certain units arriving at Marseilles like this in 1916 and still being attired the same when they've arrived on the Somme (though not at the Frontline!)




Could be anything. The only tropical kit is the Wolseley helmet the rest of the uniform is Service Dress. Could even be troops embarking for Italy in 1917/18.

Joe Sweeney


By the way, the "Carte Postale" on the back doesn't necessarily mean that it was produced in France.



Thanks to all - the Postcard was a good quids worth.

I find it sad looking at all the unidentified men in uniforms. Some photos are not expensive. Has anyone an idea how we could provide a "home" for them?

Perhaps a collection based on Regts. on the Web?


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