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Just a query, I am doing a personal hobby of trying to photograph all local parish memorials either in Berwickshire or including the rest of the Scottish Borders, I know this is some task!!! but I was wondering are sites where Memorials are to be found recorded anywhere?

Secondly in my local two adjoining parishes, at least two memorials mention the same man KIA, how is is decided where he is to be recorded ?

I know one could be where he was Born and the other where he resided, to put names on a memorial who decides incase any duplicates are made?

sorry to be long winded but there are quite a few like this in my area.

any help greatly recieved


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The new Channel 4 memorial database might be exactly what you need. In terms of what you might do with your hobby, can I suggest you have a nosy at www.carlscam.com. Carl Rogerson, the site owner, has done exactly the same in Cheshire - it makes for a fantastic resource.

In terms of names on memorials, it will have been up to each local "committee" to have decided on what the criteria was their memorial. It's very common for a someone to be on two or three - because they met the local criteria and someone wanted them on.

There is a story in my part of the world that there's a chap on 8 memorials in Bolton. He was the local bobby. May be an urban myth amongst war memorial anoraks, though.


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There is a chap called Alex McCue who had undertaking a project to list all the Memorials in the Borders a few years back.

On the subject of which names were recorded, in my experience each Parish, village or town had different criteria.

For example, a list of the men of Hawick who fell in the war of nearly 700 names had been compiled by 1921 from a variety of sources, most noticeably from the local newspapers, and this was put on display within the Public Library where the librarian was given the responsibility for any alterations or additions which may have arisen as relatives and friends came to view the names.

In the neighbouring town of Selkirk, it was deemed that only those who had been born in that Burgh or Parish, or those who had resided in the same for a period of one year could qualify.

And as the Selkirk committee observed from their own efforts: ‘the committee regret to say that, owing to objections on the part of relatives, and to indifference on the part of surviving combatants, several names have had to be omitted’.

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