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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

identify cap badge

Dave too

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Hi, I have been trying to identify a regiment cap badge from a photo. If anyone can help I would be very greatful. I have been searching for days. ;


Regards Davepost-9442-1133447247.jpg

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Grenadier Guards?

It's the Royal Fusiliers. (Flame is the wrong shape for the Gren.Guards).


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The flames are a bit pointed for the grenadiers. It looks a similar shape to the modern Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Capbadge which was of course made up following an amalgamation of The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, the The Royal Fusiliers, the The Lancashire Fusiliers and Warwickshire Regiment.

It is possible that the badge from one of these regiments I think the modern badge bears most resemblance to the Royal Fusiliers.

This is from memory so I am sorry if I am out

It's the Royal Fusiliers. (Flame is the wrong shape for the Gren.Guards).


Sorry Dave I was typing as you posted...I didnt copy honest! :D

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I can see where your heading with The Royal Fusiliers,

A bit more info maybe i should have put here in the first place.

the pic was taken about 1917.

and on the back of the pic it mentions Edinbourgh. that is strange for a lad from sussex. maybe it was where he was trained if that helps lead you in any direction.

thanks for your guys. I now have a few things to look at.

Regards Dave

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I would put money on royal Fusiliers and as a London Regt not a million miles from Sussex. By 1917 regional recruiting was failing and people were beings ent to whichever unit needed men.

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Out of interest you might like to know there was a large draft of 6th Bn Royal Sussex men who were transferred to the Royal Fusiliers in 1917. Do you have his Sussex number?

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It a pity, but all I have is a photo and a name. He did not die in ww1, so that makes it more difficult to find out things. He was badly wounded. That was the end of his war. He lived for some years after but I think the wounds he suffered probably sent him to an early grave.

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