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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Highland Light Infantry


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I am finally researching the WW1 history of my Grandfather,who was with the H.L.I

Ihave noted Hambo's fascinating account of the first day of the battle of Loos.

My Grandfather was wounded on the 25th september at Loos and eventually captured on the 27th September.

I have a brief record of his capture:

Taken initially to Wesel hospital

Short spells at Sennelager and Munster and and what looks like Durmand working party for a couple of months.Finally a long spell at Pt? near Dortmund until the end of the war.

Can anybody enlighten me as to what Pt might be and does anybody know people

who may have been at the same hospital or P.O.W camps as him.



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