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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

My Grandfather Royal Engineer


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I have researched many soldiers in past and our trips to Somme are always enlightened by the research done beforehand.

But, my Grandfather served in France fron 22/6/1915 to 1/7/1919 and I have never known where he was etc.

It is my dream to visit a place he could have been at.

Can anyone help?

He was George Kirk and on 28/5/1914 was in 15 Co RE in Gibraltar and I have a note that in 1915 he was with Mech Engineers.

He was at home 30/4/1915 to 21/6/1915 then to France 22/6/1915 to 1/7/19 and then home again before going to Palestine from 3/3/1920 to 24/10/1922.

He qualified as an Engine Driver (field) 15/7/14 and as a Supervisior in above on 11/6/1915. He is also shown as Engineers Stores and Ledgers Keeper 12/4/16 to 20/2/33.

I have his medals - trio and LSGC .

I believe that his records are missing.

I have his MIC shows his number as 22066.

Reg number in Cert of Service is 1852771.

Any one know where to start and is it possible to find where he was??

Tony :)

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I have a similar problem with my RE grandfather. I have his records, but they are quite burnt and water-washed, so the juicy info about his service is none too clear. He appears to have been at the ''General Base Depot, France. '' (Bit like High Street, China!)

I think there was an RE depot at Rouen? Maybe some other pals can comment.

Seeing your chap at sometime was a ledgerkeeper makes me wonder if he would have served a stint at a depot as well.

Sorry it's not more conclusive - just posting to share the frustration.


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If he was still serving in 1933 his records wouldn't be in the Burnt Records. Have you tried contacting the MOD?


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