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No war Memorial mention?


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Right the Hislop programme has put this subject back into my head. My great grandfather fought and died during ww1. but there is no trace of him on any memorial anywhere. he has a headstone and his details on the CWGC, but nothing apart from that. THe same for my Grandfather who died in WW2.

Is there anyway i can find out if there was a memorial with his name on that has now gone? The area he came from has was all demoloished and nothing remains from his days. The church he attended has now gone, so im wondering was there once something there. Any ideas how i could begin to search?

This must be the same for other forum members. it upsets me a lot and has always bugged me.



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Hi, I found the Hislop prog thought provoking too, was there a village /town memorial where your relatives lived or their parents? If there is and they are not on you may be able to get them added. I dont know how but Im at the early stages of research for one( not a relative) I beleive missing from my local memorial. If there was a memorial that was removed you may be lucky and be able to trace it try the local rag you never know. Some memorials have had to be moved due to development vandalism etc, for example was was moved to the Museum of Welsh life from a valley town, This was a full size memorial not just a plaque. Good luck in your search. Gareth

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Hi Gareth

My Great Grandfather came from the Scotland road area of Liverpool. the area he lived in was all demolished to make way for the second Mersey tunnel. He attended St Josephs church but that too has gone. so i dont know if there was ever anything in the area or in his church?

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If you are VERY lucky they may hold the little 'Orders of Service' which were printed for opening of memorials. These were often incorporated into a booklet which listed names on the mem. itself.

Worth a try at the relevant local studies library?

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If you are VERY lucky they may hold the little 'Orders of Service' which were printed for opening of memorials. These were often incorporated into a booklet which listed names on the mem. itself.

Worth a try at the relevant local studies library?


Do you know what regiment he was in ?

There is a Liverpool Scottish Regimental Museum if he was in that Regiment.

This may be also be a reasonable place to contact regarding that area of Liverpool:-


Best Wishes


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What was your Great Grandfather's name and that of your Grandfather?

What regiments were they in etc etc

If either of them wore kilts as part of their uniform then they maybe Liverpool Scottish.

Blueblood (Phil) :)

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It is , as I understand it , the intention of the IWM memorials web site to eventually publish , on line , all the names on all the memorials of which they are aware of.I think this will also include , where posible , the names on lost memorials.This is a huge task and will take years and years to complete.You may think that the list is about complete but this is far from being so.I have picked up eight memorials , in my imediate area alone , that are not recorded.The number of staff at the IWM on this task is very limited , but dedicated , and they can only do so much.

Be patient and take a good look at your area in order to record those memorials that are not yet catalogued.



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Thanks All

My Great Grandfather was in the Royal Garrison Artillerry John Hogan ww1

and My Grandfather was in the Royal Artillery Bernard Hogan ww2

Both where Gunners

I have contacted Liverpool Records Office and await a reply.



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Right the Hislop programme has put this subject back into my head. My great grandfather fought and died during ww1. but there is no trace of him on any memorial anywhere. he has a headstone and his details on the CWGC, but nothing apart from that. THe same for my Grandfather who died in WW2.

Is there anyway i can find out if there was a memorial with his name on that has now gone? The area he came from has was all demoloished and nothing remains from his days. The church he attended has now gone, so im wondering was there once something there. Any ideas how i could begin to search?

This must be the same for other forum members. it upsets me a lot and has always bugged me.




Try this site. I found my Gt Uncle here when I had previously failed elsewhere.


Good luck


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Thanks Keith

I have tried that one too.

Im going f r the local churches in their area tomorrow. trouble is the area they lived in has all been demolished and not much remains from their days. still i live in hope.



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Guest Waldowilliams

Tony-I was faced with a similar situation and spent two days in our local records office trawling through 1914-1918/1920-1928 local newspaper checking up on names of the fallen and the date of the dedication of our local War Memorial.I was lucky found a report about the War Memorial including all the names there-onand got a copy from the Newspaper Museum in London.


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