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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Wounded Soldiers in Top Hats


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Does anyone have any idea why these three wounded soldiers are wearing top hats?

Interestingly, the man in the middle seems to be wearing a regimental tie rather than the standard red one. He also has some badges on his lapels.

The standing man with a moustache is actually wearing sgts stripes on one arm. Above the chevrons is some sort of cloth badge.

Anyone have any ideas?


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Just a guess but perhaps these men are taking part in a concert at a camp or hospital. Some such events were sometimes provided by professional touring troupes, local amateurs, or by the men themselves. Regimental and hospital magazines reviewed such events, usually in light-hearted manner.


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My guess would be a hospital concert. They seem to be standing in front of a piano, with a plant on top (aspidistra?)

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My guess would be a hospital concert. They seem to be standing in front of a piano, with a plant on top (aspidistra?)

Definitely an Aspidistra - aka "Mother in law's tongue" :D . No respectable home would have been without one (read "Keep The Aspidistra Flying" by G Orwell). Almost impossible to kill, allegedly, though my wife and I managed it.

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