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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st Bn Royal Scots Fusiliers


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for any information on the 1st Bn Royal Scots Fusiliers - particularly if anyone knows where they were on particular dates. My great grandad was in the 1st Bn and I have a battered little red book (is this the 'service records'?) and the dates he was in France. They are;

11.9.1914 - 22.10.1914

22.12.1915 - 5.9.1916

6.12.1916 - 14.8.1917

He had his leg blown off and was discharged and I would love to find out which battles he was in and any more information I can find on him. I am finding this all very confusing though!

Can anyone tell me also is it worth paying for someone to do research - would there be any more info held at the NA than there is in the little red book?

I am unable to get to the NA and am ill and on benefits so don't want to pay to find out there isn't anything else held on him.

Any help appreciated!!


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I've recently been researching an officer in the 1st Bt. RSF. The National Archive might well have further info. The chances are greater if he is an officer. Other ranks, on the other hand, have only a c. one in three chance of surviving service records.

I'm going to TNA on 20 December. I may be able to do a look up for you. I will be looking at the Battalion War Diary for 1916.

I've been reading the History of the RSF by John Buchan - 'The History of the RSF (1678-1918). This is very unlikely to mention other ranks but it will give info about the whereabouts of of the battalion and the battles it was in.


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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply. If you do have time to do a lookup for me when you're there I would be really grateful.

His name is Private John Waugh,

No. 5948 (?)

Date of enlistment ; 26.5.1910 at Stranraer

Date of discharge; 29.6.1918

I'm new to this, but would love to know which battles he was in. His last date in France was 6.12.16 - 14.8.17, so he must have been wounded before or during August 1917 ??

If you want me to scan in and email you the records that I have in the little red book, then email me on carol@waugh1.freeserve.co.uk.

Many thanks for the offer and good luck with your own search.


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There is a useful summary for the Royal Scots Fusiliers in the books by Ray Westlake:

British Battalions in France and Belgium 1914

British Battalions on the Western Front January to June 1915

British Battalions on the Somme

There is too much to post here, so if you haven't seen these books and would like scanned copies of the relevant pages I can send them to you. Send me a PM or simply reply to this post.


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