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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Missing from war memorial

Steve Grace

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Don't know what the best avenue is for this as still a bit shocked.

My wifes Great Grandfather Thomas King (30166) who was killed in France 22nd May 1916 was on our local war memorial (Titchfield Park in Hucknall) but his name was on a plaque that had been damaged by the weather and so was sent away to be repaired in time for remembrance day. After going along to pay our respects today we have now noticed that his name is no longer on the memorial and isn't listed!! Does anyone know the first point of call to see what has become of him? I have emailed the local counciler but can anyone else think of someone else to contact in case the council start dragging their feet. We are understandably upset that he is now missing and would like it sorting out quickly!



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Hello Steve,

You will find the the person usually responsible is the Head of Parks and Gardens at your local town hall. A call to the town hall will be able to establish this quite easily. I've just gone down a similar route.


Steve ( Why is it every other person on the WFA site has the name Steve ? )

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Do you have a photo of his name on the memorial? Or failing that, maybe the local newspaper carried an article on the unveiling of the memorial. In such cases they often also published the roll of honour.

Archive copies of contemporary loacl papers are usually held on microfilm in the local library.

Maybe worthwhile arming yourself with further 'evidence' when approaching the council.


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Thanks for all your answers! How can it be though that a name can be missed from the memorial???

Steve (Maybe we should get nicknames instead!! Too many Steves about!)

Hello Steve,

You will find the the person usually responsible is the Head of Parks and Gardens at your local town hall. A call to the town hall will be able to establish this quite easily. I've just gone down a similar route.


Steve ( Why is it every other person on the WFA site has the name Steve ? )

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I know the Hucknall Dispatch had his details in when he died but whether of not the had the roll of honour I would have to check. I will wait and see if the council and nice about it or not before I go in all guns blazing!


Do you have a photo of his name on the memorial? Or failing that, maybe the local newspaper carried an article on the unveiling of the memorial. In such cases they often also published the roll of honour.

Archive copies of contemporary loacl papers are usually held on microfilm in the local library.

Maybe worthwhile arming yourself with further 'evidence' when approaching the council.


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