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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Shorts as part of Berkhamstead OTC uniform


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Photographs of OTC units at their summer camps are common, particulary on postcards, but this is the only one I've seen with the boys wearing khaki shorts, though they seem to have the full kit behind them. Were these part of their everyday uniform or were they PT issue? The bag nearest the camera has the letters ...AMSTE..., suggesting Berkhamstead School; did contact the school but received no reply.

Incidentally, note the circular tent boards. I've read that these were essential because before WWI trenches were not allowed to be dug on Salisbury Plain, whether for drainage or exercises.



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interesting, could be Berkhamsted and i cant think of anything else except AMSTErdam. University College School, Hampstead doesnt quite fit.

I went to school at Berko so would be happy to chase if if you don't hear back. i dont know who is responsible for the archives there.


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