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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Trenchart ID Tags

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Has anyone ever come across the 'trenchart' ID tags that were made in Mespot from Indian rupees?



Ian, I haven't seen them- only heard of them. Just a thought, but one place you might be able to see them would be an exhibition running in London at the moment "The Art of the Apocalypse: Trench Art" at the Freemason's Hall London. Apparently it covers trench art through the ages and I thought it might be of interest to you.



Guest Ian Bowbrick


Thanks for that. I actually have one - I just wanted to see if anyone else had one to compare designs.



These pics are from Trench Art by Nicholas Saunders (Shire 2002). The Author states that they are aluminium. Not quite what you are asking about but may be of interest.

Guest Ian Bowbrick

Yes, yes! This is similar to what I am on about. Unfortunately some nitwit broke our digital camera s I can't post what I have. But it is very similar certainly in design.


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