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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Court Martial record for Flt Lt John T Riggs 26/11/36 - 'AIR21'

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I'm trying to continue my late Dad's investigation into why his Uncle who served in WW1 was court martialled.  Dad found he was a Flt Lt and was court -martialled on 26.11.1936.

I have tried searching online but can find nothing - nothing at all.  Dad tried the National Archives before his death and was referred to 'AIR21' but was disabled and simply couldn't get to Kew. 

I live in North Wales so also cannot get to Kew. 

I have tried searching online in 'Air21' but whilst there are many many Riggs, there is no option for 1936?

Do I really have to go to Kew?

Thanks all - sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm new to all this stuff and just trying to resolve Dad's mystery.

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