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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Question on HUSSAR marked 98/05 Sawback ?


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I picked up this 98/05 SAWBACK on eBay as I found it interesting being a "Transitional" piece with flash guard, a sawback, and marked to a Hussar Regiment.  

My question is why would a light cavalry trooper carry a fairly long sawback bayonet ?  Wouldn't an 84/98 be more appropriate ?  






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This bayonet is usable on Kar98AZ carbine, with the flashguard its a late 1915 production piece, in war the S98/05 modell was declared as standard weapon, usable on both long and short rifles. There was certainly many soldiers that were equipped with similar bayonets even by cavalry, and most real already 1915 were moved from horses to so called trenchwars. Interesting is too there is not listed a company, could be this was a stamm Batallion weapon marked by training of soldiers.

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Thanks Andy !  I never considered the trench aspect.  

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  • 1 month later...

A very rare to find unit marking on a 98/05 bayonet, excellent choice!!! 

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