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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cecil Healy


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Hello,would someone be able to point out where Olympic swimmer Cecil Healy's original grave was?. I read he was buried at the edge of Sword Wood, an isolated grave,later reburied in Assevillers. He was killed on the 29th of August,days before the attack on Mont St Quentin some say fired on from Ticker copse, The 19th battalion on that day were trying to effect a crossing of the Somme i believe, would anyone know if they were at Biaches on the 29th or Omiecourt. I thank you for any assistance.

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Terry, i have just read a cracking report on the action that 2Lt Cecil Healy was killed in ,and by looking at linesman and the trench maps therein have been able to locate the position of his first burial and the area where he fell. Any further information will be gratefully received.

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I'm not sure what you read, but if you visit the  CWGC website and dial in his name, you will get: https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/335695/cecil-healy/. There is a concentration report there. It shows his original grave was at map reference 62c.H.30.a.4.2:


Image from https://www.tmapper.com/.


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Australian War Diaries can be found here: https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C1338583. The WD for the 19th Battalion for Aug 18 is here: https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C1343425. It has a great deal of information and you can follow the moves of the battalion during the day. 2Lt Healy's death is recorded.



Edited by Acknown
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Hi Acknown,that is just what i was looking for, the maps i have don't identify the wood as being sword wood,ticker copse is on them and i guessed by the shape of it and the description in the article i read  from Stoke Hill press and the article by  Geoff Armstrong covering the actions and death of Cecil Healy. I did look on C W G C  concentration report but couldn't make out the map reference correctly,non the less you have provided it so accurately i am most grateful. Thanks also for the link to the War diaries,i will follow them up.

Best Regards.


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