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1527 Sgt H.W West [4th LHMGS] at Semakh 1918

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First off, this is alot, so sorry if I make a mistake or two in here.
1527 Sergeant Herbert Walker (nicknamed Walker) West of 6 Section, 4th Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron was one of two men of his unit to be killed at Semakh [25th September 1918] and one of 15 to die whilst serving with the unit throughout 1917-18.

I was wondering where he fell... I see that on the Red Cross that..
He was approaching Semakh with Trooper Shylan [3561] at around 3AM
... War diary of the 4th LHMGS says at 0420am the advanced guard [presumably 6 Section and C Squadron of 11th LHR] fired upon a Turkish M.G, and at around 0430am, a charge of A Squadron and B Squadron of the 11th Light Horse Regiment and 2 other squadrons of the 12th Light Horse Regiment led to the German-Turkish forces surrendering Semakh.

At 4.30 on the morning of September 25th West, with two of the Squadron, went forward with their rifles to locate two Turkish Machine guns which were causing a number of casualties... My thinking is is that he was apart of the Advanced guard [thus assuming 6 Section], though he might've gone with the Charge [2 Squadrons charged the East, another 2 went to the West]..

Sgt West was advancing in charge of a machine gun and got within 200 to 300 yards of German Machine Guns. Our guns were unable to get at the German Guns so west and Farrier D Twohill [sic] crept forward to snipe them. When they got close they charged a Machine Gun possy an at about 50 yards from it most of the gun crew fled. Just then, West was badly hit through the haversack in the stomach..... These wounds were actually around 4 bullets and possibly in the heart but nonetheless, he was killed outright. Toohill won the MM for his actions, and the actions of the Squadron are lightly mentioned in the 11th LHR's War Diary...

Toohill is Daniel Thomas Joseph Toohill, 1313, Formerly Camel Corps..

In the end, this only describes that he was killed charging a German machine gun, and not decisively concluding whether he was killed in the North, South, East or West of Semakh... On a minor note, soldiers of the 11th LHR talked of a man who charged a machine gun, worthy of a V.C.. that was West.

I am trying to figure out whether this MG was in the town or out of the town, and where Toohill and West were when West was killed and Toohill won the MM.

I'll be glad to correct anything and get anything concerning these 2 men.


Posted (edited)

Re Samekh see my posts here https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/66037-haifa-war-cemetery/page/2/#comment-1573641

[What a great pity that after a decade-plus the old links no longer work, the maps are missing and my photographs are no longer there]


Below is the map from the British OH. This map shows the 5 positions of 8 machine-guns. Quote:  C Squadron of 11th LHR] fired upon a Turkish M.G, and at around 0430am, a charge of A Squadron and B Squadron of the 11th Light Horse Regiment. Per the OH map, the movement to the east involving C Squadron and then direction of the attack of A & B Squadrons, suggests to me that the enemy machine-guns involved here were the 2 positioned ½ mile SSE of Semakh.

However, this is just a suggestion, and I do hope that someone has access to more detail and to firmer evidence.



Edited by michaeldr
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, michaeldr said:

Re Samekh see my posts here https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/66037-haifa-war-cemetery/page/2/#comment-1573641

[What a great pity that after a decade-plus the old links no longer work, the maps are missing and my photographs are no longer there]


Below is the map from the British OH. This map shows the 5 positions of 8 machine-guns. Quote:  C Squadron of 11th LHR] fired upon a Turkish M.G, and at around 0430am, a charge of A Squadron and B Squadron of the 11th Light Horse Regiment. Per the OH map, the movement to the east involving C Squadron and then direction of the attack of A & B Squadrons, suggests to me that the enemy machine-guns involved here were the 2 positioned ½ mile SSE of Semakh.

However, this is just a suggestion, and I do hope that someone has access to more detail and to firmer evidence.



Hello Michael!

I can't read the thread currently (getting ready to go to school), but this is some good informative items you have here. I recall the war diary of the 4th LHMGS stated that the advanced guard stumbled upon a Turkish M.G a mile south of Semakh... Your evidence states it was half a mile down South by Southwest of Semakh.. The Red Cross records fails to state any machine guns (although, it is obviously one machine gun), but I think (guess) that they would've been in the 2MGs which was inbetween the advance of the 11th... Have to go, but I hope this makes some sense




Note: briefly read the old thread.. good work! Should be commended on it!

The 4th LHMHS set up near the train station during the attack.. cannot tell if West was here when he was killed (probably not, he was charging 50 yards after advancing 200 odd yards with Toohill)

Edited by tankengine888
Written in some haste, few mistakes fixed up


This may help

HARPER    Harold White    216    Sgt    10 LHR    B Sqn C Troop prom 2/Lt B Sqn A Troop (from Sherwood WIA) 1-8-15 shown possibly B Sqn C Troop or shown by Kidd B Sqn A Troop at the Nek 7-8-15 to MG Officer (from Roberston) 8-15 to MG Sect/9 LHR 10-15 att MG School Mudros 11-15 rtn 12-15 (G) rtn 10 LHR 12-15 prom T/Capt 2ic ASqn/2 double Sqn 7-16 to 2ic SHQ/3 LH MGS 9-16 prom Capt 11-16 shown OC SHQ Maj Nicholas 2ic Harper A- Brown B- Phillip WIA C- Lawry WIA D- Moore WIA E- Bryant F- Hardy WIA at 2nd Gaza recom MID - for his actions at 2nd Gaza 19-4-17 to T/OC SHQ 8-17 to OC SHQ/4 LH MGS 25-10-17 (2ic MacMillan Troop Lts A- MacDonald B- Swan C- Robinson D- Paterson E- Francis F- Gregory) T/att school of Instruction (MG course) Zeitoun 2-18 att school of Instruction (unknown course) Zeitoun 5-18 rtn 6-18 prom Maj 7-18 WIA 25-9-18 R/leg shot reported 2 officers and 8 men wounded and 2 men killed in charge at Semakh & MID - for his command between Sept to Oct 1918 rtn 10-18 WIA 24-5-19 R/ankle accident in horse fall near Damanhour railway station rtn 6-19 (A Troop BSqn/25 LH 16-1-13 CMF 2 years)

The MG sections were called Troops in many documents

The 4 LH MGS lost a number of men if you need there losses.


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