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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

6 out of 9 brothers who served Killed, plus more in family?

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I was doing some searching through newspaper archives I came across this clipping.. Liverpool Echo 25 September 1915

Now I have heard about 4 or 5 brothers lost but 6 all in 1915? is this real? 9 in total including sisters husbands?

9 brothers who served in total.

Has anyone ever come across this? 

There are many many clippings regarding this family in late 1915 but just this one with all the names and details of everyone.

Just had to share to see what you all think?

Incredible if true and awful at the same time.

Best Regards Andy 



Thanks! Complete rubbish then. I did wonder! 

Can admin delete this post! Thanks! 

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