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William Joseph Harris RFA or RGA - help needed

Gunner 87

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Hello guys. I'm sure one of our artillery experts will be able to answer this very quickly but wondered if you were able to transfer between the RGA and RFA keeping the same service number.

I have been looking at William Joseph Harris 102987 who's MIC for the VM and BWM  lists as a Gunner in the RGA. The corresponding MR corroborates but with scarce information of his unit, frustratingly just Base Details, RGA, although it does shows a rank of Lance Bombardier.

However, a search on FMP has located a Casualty List giving 102987 Bombardier Harris W serving with 22 Heavy Battery RFA.

I'm sure it is highly unlikely they are two different soldiers but would very much like to know why he is shown with the RFA and RGA.

Thank you as always for your help.

Gunner 87








Edited by Gunner 87
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Heavy Batteries were RGA so it is a typo. 102987 in the RFA was Charles Traves. A transfer between the two would result in a change in regimental number.

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7 minutes ago, David Porter said:

Heavy Batteries were RGA so it is a typo. 102987 in the RFA was Charles Traves. A transfer between the two would result in a change in regimental number.

Thank you David. I missed tagging you in error for which I apologise.

Kind regards Gunner 87.

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