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need help translating newspapers


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Hello to all,
My level in English does not allow me to translate these war diaries, the writing is not easy to read. For all those who can translate or help me, thank you very much. 


Edited by Augustin
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EECKE 6/7/18    

8 am Brigade Operation Order received, the Brigade is moving tonight to
take over the ST JANS - CAPPEL Sector of the line from the French.
Movements of Ambulance not yet notified. Training continued.
4 pm R.A.M.C. operation orders received. 108th Field Ambulance to form a
Rest Station at a site to be notified later & to be ready to move at
short notice.


11 am A.D.M.S. visited the unit, no definite site for Rest Stn yet selected.
4 pm Orders received from A.D.M.S to proceed at once to his office; to discuss
alternative sites. A.D.M.S. & O.C. visited OCHTEZEELE (near CASSEL)
- HARDIPORT & as the accommodation in the former was better, we were
ordered to proceed there early tomorrow.


6 A.M. Camp was struck at EECKE, all wagons packed.
8 A.M. Unit paraded in full marching order with transport complete & proceeded
- WALMERS-CAPPEL, arriving at OCHTEZEELE at 12.45 pm having
made a most excellent journey, transport via CASSEL avoiding road
arrived an hour later.

Edited by Keith Brannen
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You're welcome. Wasn't too hard to do, just needed a bit of contrast/brightness to make it easier to read.

The two you just posted are definitely more difficult, but playing with the contrast/brightness should help a bit, for example:




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The first page I did look at, but there are too many words I couldn't get due to the image quality, so didn't attempt it. Anyhow, good luck deciphering the first page!

I did have a go at the second page, any words I was unsure about have a (?) after the word. Any word I couldn't decipher got a (??).


EECKE 9.11.15 Battalion in billets at EECKE

(EECKE) 10.11.15 (Battalion in billets at EECKE)

(EECKE) 11.11.15 (Battalion in billets at EECKE)

(EECKE) 12.11.15 (Battalion in billets at EECKE) Strength 30 officers 906 other ranks.

(EECKE) 13.11.15 (Battalion in billets at EECKE) Hurricane. Weather during whole period in billets very bad. Cases of chilblain occur possibly
due to last issues of boots before leaving ALDERSHOT being fitted over 1 pair of socks only in accordance
with orders then issued instead of over two pairs as previously.

(EECKE) 14.11.15 Battalion in billets in EECKE.

(EECKE) 15.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE)

(EECKE) 16.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE)

(EECKE) 17.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE) Heavy frost begins.

(EECKE) 18.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE) G.O.C. 3rd(?) Division inspects battalion.

(EECKE) 19.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE)

(EECKE) 20.11.15 (Battalion in billets in EECKE) battalion marches via GODEWAERSVELDE BOESCHEPE & WESTOUTRE to quarters
in tents and huts at RENNINGHELST (Sheet 28 M4 C77) Relieving 3rd R.B. Arrived 2.30(?) pm
Camp(?) a foot deep in mud. Transport lines worse. 76 Bde HQ at Z(?) or(?) ZELVEDEN(?) (NOTE: ZEVECOTEN is nearby, can't find a ZELVEDEN, might
want to check Brigade diary for exact location.)

21.11.15 Battalion in quarters at RENNINGHELST. Bde HQ move up to (??) area.

22.11.15 Lt Col A. D. THORNE sick(?) to Field Ambulance. MAJOR  C. O. N. WILLIAMS assumes command.
Captain ROBINSON & 40 N.C.O.s men detailed for attachment in trenches to 177th(?) Tunneling Co.
R. E. (10 RWF (??) (??) party(?). Of the whole 1 officer & 20 men of each regiment 
will always be in the trenches. The work being done in 4 day shifts.) All the men from this
battalion are miners by trade. Battalion  in quarters at RENNINGHELST. 

Edited by Keith Brannen
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I had a go at the other page, using a technique I have used before only on the very hardest pages where only some of the words stand out. It helps as you get the idea of what is being said, and other words seem to fall in place at times. Anyhow, the numbers for other ranks, for example, are only what I think I see, you mileage may vary! However, it does give you a fairly good idea about what is being discussed on the page.


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