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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Great War Forum Conference 02/04/2022 - now taking bookings

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I'm pleased to say that the 11th GWF Conference will be going ahead, subject to Covid not cancelling everything again. The conference will be held at the Tally Ho in Birmingham again, on 2nd April 2022, with the same format as the previous conferences - five speakers, starting at 10.00, finishing at 5.00 (note the slightly earlier times than normal)

The speakers are - 

Richard Van Emden - "Boy Soldiers - The New Evidence"

John Bourne - "Jobs for the Boys or Boys for the Jobs - the Military Secretary's Office and the BEF 1914-1918"

Peter Hart and Gary Bain - "Laugh or Cry: The British Soldier on the Western Front, 1914-1918"

Taff Gillingham - "Mobilisation - Four Days from Peace to War"

Steve Chambers - "Gallipoli through a Camera Lens"

The cost will be £35 per person, covering the conference, lunch and tea and coffee. 

We'll also be having our traditional get together in the Old Contemptibles pub in the centre of Birmingham on Friday evening.

As with previous year's event, pals will be more than welcome to bring along books to sell, or any display material you have.

Please can you let me know you want to attend, and if so pay a deposit of £10 per person. You can make your payment either via bank transfer, a cheque or by using the Paypal link - details of all three methods are here - 


If the conference does have to be cancelled, or you are unable toi attend, full refunds will be given.

Any questions, please let me know

Many thanks



Previous Post - I have provisionally booked the Tally Ho in Birmingham for 2nd April 2022 for our next conference - but I'd like to ask for thoughts on whether pals think it likely they'd attend - without commitment of course.

We can obviously have little idea where things will be regarding COVID by then - hopefully a good deal better than the situation we appear to be heading into this winter - but for the moment I want to check the idea is feasible.

Many thanks


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