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Pictures of MGC soldiers in Dinapore (his spelling - not mine) India


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My Grandfather served with, I believe the 7th Regiment MGC. He served in France was wounded sent home and then served in Russia and then India. I have in my possession two pictures from when he served in Danapur 1920. I have posted them here. My Grandfather was Bertie W Hirst (130561) and in the pictures are; boxers Pte Bilton (Tiny)  and Pte East (Buller) and in the other photo, taken outside the Police Station are Pte Turner and Pte Bunn. Any additional information regarding how I can research his life further would be very much appreciated. There are stories of him being in the Military Police, but I don't know if this is right. I have the medal index cards and indeed his medals.

I have also attached a further two photo's if they are of interest to anyone else. One I believe to be when serving in France and the other at the end of his training. I have already sent copies to the MGC database and hope that I can help someone see what their relation looked like.














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If he served a few months further to after January 1921, there may possibly be a service file at the Ministry of Defence.

Details, including how to apply in the FIBIS Fibiwiki page British Army, section Army personnel serving after January 1921



Dinapore or Dinapur would have been the spelling used at the time.



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Those are cracking photos and give a rare sighting of the MGC flash in red green and blue on the side of the Wolseley helmets worn by the group in khaki drill.  There have been attempts in recent decades by the Machine Gun Corps Association to collect as many photos together as possible in order to create an archive of images for posterity.  This is especially important because all the MGC regimental records were destroyed in a fire at a barracks in Shorncliffe around 1921.

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I am pleased that they have survived for so long. My Grandfather was certainly quite a character. I hope that they will be of use to someone other than myself. I will chase up on any suggested leads. Thank you...

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2 hours ago, Chris Hirst said:

I am pleased that they have survived for so long. My Grandfather was certainly quite a character. I hope that they will be of use to someone other than myself. I will chase up on any suggested leads. Thank you...


This is the research database.  It shows who to contact: https://www.machine-gun-corps-database.co.uk/intro_page.html


For the sake of modernity there's also: https://www.facebook.com/groups/46304724752/

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