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Motor Transport of the Royal Flying Corps

Giles Radford

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Special Army Order dated 15th April 1912 lists the Motor Transport for each squadron.  Most of it is self explanatory however one entry:

Trailer Trucks to Hanger Lorries has me confused. There were two per squadron. 

I have not been able to find out exactly what they were, lorries with trailers, just trailers or something else.

By 1916 Squadrons had 4 trailers which could be hooked up to the 3-ton heavy tenders, Leylands mostly, used for carrying the Bessoneaux Hangers.

I would be grateful for any help.

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Welcome, Giles. This doesn't help you one little bit, but the National Archives file AIR 1/791/204/4/709 relates to a police report on an air mechanic driving a RFC vehicle to the concentration camp at Netheravon in 1914 being stopped for breaking the 10mph speed limit in Whitchurch, Hampshire! Strange how details of such a minor incident have been preserved.

Edited by Moonraker
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Thank you. I am writing a reference book on how Industrialisation changed the way British Armed Forces operated during the Great War. One of my frustrations is reading up on the subject and coming across statistics which are either quoted out of context or not supported by a reference. Hence a book doing both.

As I chase down original sources I frequently find things that are not clear. It may sound sad but finding answers is what I enjoy most.

Everything helps.

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One step further on.

I now think these are just trailers. There is a list of War Establishments for an Aeroplane Squadron in Appendix D of Wing Commander Ian Philpott's book The Birth of the Royal Airforce.

Transport is listed as both vehicles and drivers. Trailer Trucks do not have drivers so I guess they are just trailers.

Which begs the question 'What are Hanger Lorries?'

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On 13/04/2021 at 23:28, Giles Radford said:

Special Army Order dated 15th April 1912 lists the Motor Transport for each squadron.  Most of it is self explanatory however one entry:

Trailer Trucks to Hanger Lorries has me confused. There were two per squadron. 

I have not been able to find out exactly what they were, lorries with trailers, just trailers or something else.

By 1916 Squadrons had 4 trailers which could be hooked up to the 3-ton heavy tenders, Leylands mostly, used for carrying the Bessoneaux Hangers.

I would be grateful for any help.



The file TNA Air 1/823/204/5/68 contains examples of the 'Mobilization Strore Table' G1098-33-C, the 1913 issue has the following for a 12 aeroplane squadron:





The July 1917 issue for service and corps two-seat squadrons has the following:



I presume you have had a look at Peter Dye's 'The Bridge to Airpower' which is on RFC Logistics?  It includes the formation of Reserve Lorry Parks in September 1917.


As for hangars, types such as the RAF and RE and even the Bessoneau were all mobile and could be carried by vehicles, the Bessoneau needing rather more vehicles than the others due to its size.  The 'History of the Ministry of Munitions' mentions supply difficulties with aeroplane trailers towards the end of 1917, this appears to be due to the greater demand for them from the expanding RFC/RAF, only two suppliers, mainly axles and iron work, who also had demands from the rest of the military to deliver.



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Hi Mike


Thank you this is most helpful. Much clearer update on the 1912 document.

I have ordered a copy of Peter Dye's book. Hopefully that will stop me having to ask questions.


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