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German who died in Submarine attack Black Sea


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I was reading Ole Nikolajsen book and he mentioned an attack on a Russian Submarine in the Black Sea around 24 April 1917, but fails to mention the crew or type of seaplane?


He mentions that the observer was wounded in this attack and died some days later?


I am thinking that the only seaplanes in that area of the Straits to the Black sea was the German Seaplane Sqn (Wasserfliegerabteilung). or part of that unit called the Kavak (Deniz Tayyare Bolugu. 

So who was the observer who died?


My poor lists show a number around that date, but only one from the (Wasserfliegerabteilung);


Schur Bernhard    Flug-Ob Matrosen Marine     Airforce German Seaplane Sqn (Wasserfliegerabteilung) (born at Spremberg died 13-4-17) shown shot to abdoman no details on cause?


He was possibly wounded early in another attack on a Russian Sub, which they claim hit the sub from there Hansa Brandenburg, but no names of the crew?


I also have two other aircrew lost that month, but no details on theit unit or how or where they were lost?


Conrad Max    Sgt    Airforce (unit unknown)    1917-    (1891 at Stallupönen KIA 21-4-17) near Istanbul no details on loss? (not identified) 
Dubiel Paul    Flieger    Airforce (unit unknown possibly Jasta 300)    1916-17    (1884 at Königshütte died 27-4-17) cause not stated


Conrad is possibly 
Konrat (Konrad) Sgt     Pilot Airforce shown 12th Sqn Tayyare Boluk 6-16 combinded with 2nd Sqn     1916-    Mesopotamia 1916 reported reported Albatros C1 (AK3) when hit by AA fire crashed with Ahmet Nüzhet (O) near Kermanshah 28-11-16 shown in Albatros C1 with Niemayer (O) KIA in combat 15-1-17 shown KIA 21-4-17 in Halberstadt D5 (HK6) when wings ripped off in combat 21-4-17 spelling by Ole Nikolajsen (not identified)? 

So not him


Any ideas if this mans name and details?


Cheers and Happy New Year.



Edited by stevebecker
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