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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Sgt R 'Billy' Reid, 3rd Australian Division AIF

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I've been given a sketch pad/note book that belonged to a Sgt R Reid, an Australian. I've not been able to find anything out about this individual that seems to fit (and i'm not really that well informed on ANZAC-related matters). If anyone has decent knowledge of or access to records on Australian servicemen and can find anything, i'd really appreciate any help identifying him? The sketch pad appears to show drawings he made in France whilst a POW of the Germans. On the inside cover, he's signed his sketch pad as "Sergeant R 'Billy' Reid, 3rd Section AMC, 3rd Australian Division, AIF". Thanks


That's great - definitely him. His sketch pad has a scribbled reference to Forfar (which is where his family were from) and also "SAN" which corresponds to "sanitary".  The record shows he was based at AIF HQ in France and therefore it looks like he was attending a POW camp of Germans (and so the Germans in his sketches are the prisoners and not the other way around). Many thanks for helping me sort that mystery out!


Happy to help. That's the great thing that I like about the GWF: pooling knowledge so we all learn.



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