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Siege Batteries RGA

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Firstly let me apologise, but I find it difficult to understand the organisation of artillery, as opposed to infantry brigades especially with reference to heavy artillery.  Would someone be kind enough to help me please?

First am I correct in thinking a Siege Battery, RGA is considered heavy artillery?  I am not too good on artillery .....as you can tell. 

Secondly,  I have a copy of the diary for the 177th Siege Battery RGA. On the front it mentions 2 Brigade,  2nd Army .  I Have searched LLT but keep coming up with RFA brigades and batteries rather than RGA. I am now so confused I don't even know how I should word my question to you experts but I want to know something about 2 Brigade and how it was organised.  The 177th Seige battery moved about a good bit but I am currently looking at  September - October 1917 and Third Battle of Ypres.  Again apologies if this is unclear but hope someone can assist. 


You require WO95/296/1

177 were a component battery under control of 2 HAG (Heavy Arty Group) from 21.9.17 till 8.11.17 when the bty joined the 1 Canadian HAG. A HAG was a collection of Btys under command of a Lt Colonel, the component Btys coming and leaving as necessary . From late December HAG's were reconstituted Brigades and the component Btys within were fixed units till Armistice. 177 came under 2 Brigade (f:HAG) again from 22.12.17 for the duration.



A Siege Battery does have what might be called heavy guns but, to confuse even more, a Heavy Battery, which is different,  also has heavy guns.  Siege batteries in general had the heaviest, ie largest calibre, guns.




 WO 95/296/3 would appear to cover the battery from Oct 1916 presumably overlapping 296/1 ??




Both described here:




Thank you both.  Much clearer already  I'll take a look at your suggestions for further reading.  Much appreciated 

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